Sunday, August 17, 2008

It has been quite a while since I posted, and I was waiting to post with pictures, but I'm having some trouble getting wedding shots on here. So a written post will have to do.

I'll start with the wedding: It was wonderful. Really and truly, I loved everything about it. I loved that it was simple and laid back. I loved that so many friends and family were involved. I loved my dress! I had to get significant alterations on it, and I was worried, but thank the Lord, it was perfect. My brother and I got to spend so much time together. The rehearsal dinner the night before was beautiful and so special. Joel's family did such a great job. Our wedding pictures are amazing. To see them, you can go to, click on client galleries, and the code is A172dmjow. I loved the time of the wedding, too, because from what I hear, all our friends had all night to go out!

Our honeymoon was very relaxing. We went to Charleston and it is such a great place to vacation. We had a wonderful time.

Our honeymoon has been extended in a way because we had two weeks before workdays started. We've really enjoyed spending time together setting up house, working out, cooking real meals, and spending time with our families.

I love being married. I love the freedom that we can enjoy just being together all the time. We are best friends. We're getting to know each other more and learning how to love each other. We start workdays this week, so our schedule will change significantly from eating three meals a day together to fitting in one, but we're both looking forward to this school year!

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