Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The first official days of summer have proved insanely productive for us. We went to the beach with Joel’s family last week, but these past couple of days were the first we’ve spent with no real timetable at home.

Yesterday, we literally woke up at 7am to go to the gym. While I was incredibly cranky, it ended up being really fun, and my arms are very sore today. Somehow, even doing the minimal amount of weight on the machines can still rip them muscles up.

After running several errands, including buying some super cute leaf green paint for some bookshelves, we relaxed by the pool and ate Pasta Puttanesca leftovers (delish).

Today, our schedules didn’t match up so much, but I got all of this done:

Got a haircut at Lather Salon

Made homemade pizza dough and individual pizzas for dinner

My pizza (half eaten and blurry): pesto shrimp

Lemon cranberry pecan muffins

While listening to my favorite podcast: Radiolab

Watered my pretty tomato plant

Before picture of one of the bookshelves (Laura, I think these used to be Caleb’s!)

Primer on one of the bookshelves. I decided to finish the job later this week, because it looked like it was going to rain. The skies are clear now, but I sure will enjoy The Office marathon instead!

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